More About Sustainable Woodstock
Our Policies:-
Sustainable Woodstock take seriously its obligations towards
proper health and safety, accountability, transparency and process.
This includes respecting privacy and security of data. here are
some of our approved documents:-
Sustainable Woodstock was formed in 2009 since when we have:-
our unique and popular Sustainable Woodstock jute and canvas bags.
With a grant from Oxfordshire County Council we have campaigned to make
Woodstock a "Plastic Bag Free Town". We have some way to go.
But we have sold about 1000 bags and each one potentially replaces
countless single use plastic bags that would otherwise litter the
countryside, use fossil fuel in the manufacture, and take a thousand
years to degrade.
Our bags can be bought from the Town Hall, the Museum and from many of
the town's retailers.
on a town wide campaign to Make Woodstock a Single-Use Plastic-Bag-Free
Town (SUPBFT). This is our latest campaign that began in 2018.
We are working with Surfers Against Sewage who coordinate the national
campaign and have established guidelines and targets to achieve SUPBFT
status as well as providing us with toolkits to help local businesses to
reduce their dependence on plastics.
the first Woodstock Community Woodland. With an 80 year
free-of-charge lease from His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, we have
planted 1600 trees just north of the town. The new woodland is
free to visit and will become a haven for wildlife and a resource for
coppiced timber fro firewood and country crafts. We have planted
ash, hazel, oak, sycamore,and many more varieties with protected open spaces to provide a
useful habitat for bio-diversity as well as a pleasant place to walk.
It is already in use by the primary school as a nature resource.
in 2017 we extended our woodland with the creation of of new Community
Orchard consisting of 82 traditional and mostly local varieties of fruit
trees. The trees are planned to provide an extended flowering and
fruiting season that will attract polinating bees, butterflies and
insects as well as providing an ideal habitat for wildlifein general.
In time it is planned to harvest the fruit for the community with,
perhaps, apple pressing and cider making.
Conducted Thermal Imaging Surveys for Woodstock households to help them
identify where better insulation, draught proffing and other energy
conservation measures will reduce their feul bills and make homes more
comfortable. The service was carried out free of charge and
householders provided with a images and a brief explanation of the
regular "Swap Shops" to encourage reductions in landfill waste through
the principles of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". Items saved from
disposal and landfill include, bikes, children's car seats, luggage,
small electrical appliances, furniture, garden equipment, deckchairs,
DVDs, books, and even wallpaper. There is always someone who is
looking for the very thing you were ready to consign to the rubbish bin
for more robust international action by governments to reduce greenhouse
gases, increase the development of renewable energy sources, reduce
waste and protect the bio-diversity of the planet. As well as
demonstrating our concerns in London we have lobbied our MP, the Prime
Minister David Cameron and promoted the issues of climate change through
talks, lectures and film presentations such as the iconic "Age of
we have established a "group buying scheme" with Sustainable
Kirtlington, Kidlington Against Climate Change" and Low Carbon Oxford
North" to promote the installation of photovoltaic energy panels through
an approved installer.
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